“From my mother’s womb, Thou art my God.”
(Psalm 21[22]:9)
Part III - To the Physicians, and their many accomplices, who are paid to kill the pre-born babies.
This was the most difficult section for me to put into words. Being – in my core beliefs – a naive idealist, I cannot understand how physicians can become hired killers of innocent babies --- and for profit! Furthermore, because there are so many types of accomplices to this infanticide, it was necessary for me to place them into a number of groups. May God have mercy on each one of them, and lead them all to blessed repentance!
To the abortionists: It truly grieves my soul that a number of men and women, who have received the grace from God to become healers of the body, have chosen instead to become hired killers --- hit-men, who receive money for murdering innocent pre-born – and, occasionally, new-born – children. You have no excuse. You know that human life begins at conception, and yet you kill these babies at an average of 4,000 per day. What has happened to you? How can you sleep at night? Is your conscience so dead that the sight of the child you have just dismembered does not cause you any pain, any sorrow? You have lost the right to be called a physician. You are an abortionist.
Nevertheless, our All-Compassionate God – Who gave you the knowledge to become a healer, Who took upon our flesh and died on the Cross for you – is ready to forgive you! However, you must first stop performing these murders immediately; and acknowledge your grievous sin. I pray that you will be blessed with tears of repentance, so that you can seek forgiveness from our All-Merciful Lord Jesus; and dedicate the remaining time of your temporal life to being a physician that brings healing to others, instead of an abortionist that brings death.
In addition, I suggest that you estimate how much of your earnings have come from performing abortions; so that every month – until you die – you can give a substantial portion of this blood money to support unwed mothers and other worthy pro-life causes. Furthermore, I entreat you to speak out against abortion; as your voice will have much influence. Beseech our Lord Jesus to allow you to become His instrument – until your last breath – to convince other doctors to stop participating in this satanic infanticide.
To the Orthodox Christian physicians-turned-abortionists: I grieve for you the most. At this moment, you are headed towards eternal damnation! Please stop murdering babies, immediately; and run to your priest to confess these terrible sins against God. From the first time you aborted a pre-born child, you excommunicated yourself from your Church. Therefore, do not receive Holy Communion; until you have gone to confession, and have fulfilled the partaking of the medication (penance) that you will given --- to bring healing to your very sick and wounded soul.
Do not wait another moment, for no one knows when he will be departing this temporary life. And if you die before you have repented of this grave sin, where will you spend eternity? Please hear my sincere plea, in behalf of the salvation of your soul, and come back to Christ and His Church. If I can be of help in any way, please contact me.
To the nurses and pharmacists, who facilitate these murders: Although you did not perform the abortions, you share in the sin; as you are definitely active participants in them. Therefore, much of what I said to the abortionists, also applies to you.
Nurses, I pain for you. How can you pass those instruments of death to the abortionist, without experiencing great sorrow within you? How can you, for example, piece together all of the parts of a child – slaughtered during a D & E abortion – without realizing what had happened moments earlier? I pray that you will allow God to fill your heart with repentant tears; so that they will wash away the wall, which your indifference to human life has allowed the evil one to place therein.
Pharmacists, who – for example – fill prescriptions for the RU 486 pill, which induces an abortion, cannot escape direct culpability to the abortion. At the present time, you still have a right to refuse to dispense such medication, on the basis of your conscience, without losing your position. However, if – someday – there is a law that forces you to dispense abortion medications, or be fired, would you rather: do it, and keep your temporal job, or refuse, and keep eternal your soul?
To the psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors and clergy, who advise women to go through with their abortions (or convince them that they have a “right to choose”): The innocent blood of those babies is also on your hands. As is the case with the doctors, nurses and pharmacists, you are aware that every abortion stops the beating heart of a tiny human being. You know, for example, that the “product” of the abortion of a 16 weeks gestation fetus is a dead baby girl or boy. May you find blessed repentance, and seek God’s forgiveness --- while there is still time to do so. After you take your final breath in this life, you will no longer have that opportunity.
I feel that I must give special attention to all those that consider themselves to be Christian clergy, but believe that abortion is a woman’s right/decision. What god do you profess to worship? I assure you, that it is not the Jesus Christ, Who shed His precious Blood on the Cross for you. Rebuke your false gods and repent, while there is still life in your body.
Forgive me, but I am compelled to reach out more specifically to any Orthodox priest, who has counseled any of his sheep to have an abortion. What has happened to you, my dear brothers in Christ Jesus? How can you stand before the Holy altar Table: knowing that you have innocent blood on your hands --- knowing that you may have also caused the death of the souls of the mothers, whom you counseled to abort their children? And if you simply told the women something like, ‘It is your decision to make’, you are still culpable for your neglect of the Truth. When you call down the Holy Spirit down upon yourself, and then upon the Holy Gifts, what judgment are you calling down upon your suffering and wounded soul? I beg you to immediately go to your Bishop, and confess this grave sin. Please also contact the women, whom you mislead, beg their forgiveness, and do whatever you can to help bring healing to their souls.
To the fathers of the aborted children: You are just as responsible as your wife/girlfriend for the murder of your pre-born child, unless you did all that you could to stop her from having the abortion. In my opinion, those fathers who threatened to leave their girlfriends – unless they had an abortion – are even more accountable than their respective companions. A true father would never abandon his offspring --- from conception onwards. Pray that our Lord Jesus will help you to feel the pain within your soul --- caused by the deep wound that you placed therein, when you agreed to the death of your child. Then you will be given those blessed tears of repentance, and you will run to Him for forgiveness.
If you have no one to assist you in your ‘return’ to your Saviour and Lord, please contact this unworthy priest. I pray that you will soon earn the right to be called a father again --- by having other children, and by convincing at least one other man not to allow his pre-born child to be sacrificed upon the satanic altar of pride, privacy and convenience.
To the grandparents, siblings and/or friends, who: either assisted in the abortion, through their words or actions; or chose “not to get involved”: You are – most assuredly – a participant in these murders, and will have to answer to God on that fearful Day. Beg our Saviour to fill – both your eyes and your heart – with tears if repentance. In addition to confession, you need to go to the child’s mother and beg her forgiveness for not trying to stop her from committing this terrible sin.
To the politicians, lawyers and judges, whose actions support and/or uphold the legalization of this “slaughter of the innocents”: In my opinion, you are as guilty as the abortionists that perform these murders. You are the ones that have placed the murder weapons in the hands of the abortionists; and have protected their indiscriminant use of them! You are the ones that created – and perpetuated – the multi-BILLION dollar industry, whose products are the slaughtered 50 million little babies! You are the ones that have aided in the deaths of millions of adult souls – including your own – by your diabolical actions!
Somewhere within your severely wounded soul, I must believe that there is a divine “still small voice” --- calling you to immediately change your demonic attitude, repent, and begin protecting the right to life of EVERY child in the womb. O how I pray that you will soon “hear” this inner call of your Creator! If you choose to ignore it, then you shall learn – when your soul separates from your body – that the blood of millions of innocent babies is upon your soul. However, it will then be too late to repent.
“He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”
In the 4th – and final – article, we will provide many suggestions as to how each one of us can do our part to bring and end to this infanticide --- before it is too late!
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From: Fr. Demetrios Carellas
Date: Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 6:26 PM
Subject: "From my mother's womb, Thou art my God - Part III"
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