Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Babushka says, "No Camera!! No takie photo, photo steal soul!!"

Sorry Babushka/γιαγιά cameras cannot steal your soul. Neither can a wacky blue bead, ward off the evil eye (durnoy glaz or μάτι).

Food for thought: Grandmothers, Babushkas or Γιαγιάδες might not always be right! Learn their recipes for delicious food but not their penchant for religious superstition. Sorry Grandmothers, Babushkas or Γιαγιάδες but we still love you and your cooking:D

And as always, keep your shorts under your track pants! We're rootin' for ya!!

Vladimir Putin is the Most Interesting (Russian) Man in the World

Vladimir Putin is the Most Interesting (Russian) Man in the World

Its Turkish Coffee to him!!

A true Bosnian man is not Serbian. A true Bosnian man loves evvvverybudy! Especially when his Russian wife makes him Turkish coffee with Ethiopian coffee beans. It should be Russian coffee right? But tell that to the Bosnian man who's heart is so full of love!! Its Turkish Coffee to him!!

And as always, keep your shorts under your track pants! We love ya too!!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Nose Picking and Strange Inanimate Objects Don't Mix!!

Boy lives up to the "spirit" of Petrology! Picks his nose and puts strange inanimate objects up his nose! He reminds me of a young Homer Simpson!

In reality, on one hand its funny but sad at the same time.

Thank God that little Isaak is okay :)

And as always, keep your shorts under your track pants! We're rootin' for ya!!


It may be a while before Isaak Lasson's parents buy him another Lego set.

The Salt Lake six-year-old, who has suffered from mysterious sinus problems for the last three years, recently discovered the source of his discomfort — and it wasn't just post-nasal drip.

Turns out, the little guy had been living with a rubbery Lego wheel jammed into his nostril.

Read More: http://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/daily-buzz/boy-lives-three-years-lego-wheel-stuck-nose-212159037.html

Tony Robbins is an idiot, He likes the smell of burnt feet and flip flops

Tony Robbins is an idiot and moron, he promotes people burning their feet. He's almost as bad as that Benny Hinn goof, maybe even worse.

But if you take up Petrology, you just might learn to moon walk (by that we mean dancing not anything religious mumbo jumbo lol). And possibly the porno-zeibekiko too! lol.

And as always, keep your shorts under your track pants! We're rootin' for ya!!


Nearly two dozen people were treated for burns on their feet after walking on hot coals during a motivational seminar conducted by self-help expert Tony Robbins in San Jose, California, local media reported.

Firefighters treated at least 21 people for burns to the soles of their feet, several of them second- and third-degree, on Thursday night, according to a report in the San Jose Mercury News. None of the injuries was life-threatening, the report said.

Read More:
